My Ode to Annenberg PR


Not very many people know exactly what public relations is when they are getting into the industry. They more than likely come from educational backgrounds in the areas of marketing, political science and/or communications. While starting to work in the PR industry, they have to pick up on the things that are important to know in order to be successful in this field. But there should be a program for people to get a foundational knowledge of what PR is and how to do it.

So what exactly is PR and how is it practiced? And where can one go to get that kind of education?

Public relations is exactly what is sounds like, a relationship with the public. And as in any relationship, it remains successful as it continues with effort being put in. The work of a PR professional includes getting to know your audience, a little bit of giving and maintaining open communication channels between your business and the public.WhatPeopleThinkWeDo_Horizontal

I chose to major in PR simply because it creates the ability to develop and maintain a connection with people. The USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism has a public relations program that teaches students exactly how to do just that. I’ve been a part of the PR program for two and a half years and I can not think of an experience in my life that has been more rewarding.

Annenberg PR has taught me how to reach all sorts of people in many different ways.This program has been crafted to intensely train students to apply the most effective strategies and tactics to serve pretty much any communication purpose. In each class we take within the program, we are sharpening up the writing and planning skills we have already learned while adding a more to our arsenal with emphases placed on creative strategy and innovation.

The professors prove time and time again that they are dedicated to preparing us to have careers in PR. They are professionals in the field already that take the time out of their lives to come teach us what they know and have learned through experience in the industry. It doesn’t get any better than learning what works and what does not from the greats and those who could be your competition once you are out in the real world.

While there have been high points and low points for me, the PR program at Annenberg has prepared me well thus far in my career. I have become a better writer and communicator all the way around, but I have also learned to do these things with different voices and different audiences in mind. I’ve learned how to connect to many different people on different levels and use that to create new opportunities. moulite_sisters2.jpeg-824x549

I have no doubt my time as a part of the Annenberg PR program will prove to be the most beneficial four years of my life. Though I have not completed all of my requirements (I am only a junior), I know the education I have received from Annenberg will lead me to career opportunities that I have yet to dream of. I am grateful to Annenberg for proving to me time and time again that PR is what is best for me.

Make Your Employer Work For You

Working for any company that promises to provide quality service to their customers should also do so for its own employees. A large part of having a good job is having “good benefits” that are meant to take some of the stress of everyday life and expenses from your shoulders.

Many people think that they only way their job will provide help for them is if they are an undeniable asset to the company. Most would attribute that value to some sort of executive position or something of a higher level. Many companies do not offer non-management positions a benefits package that will seriously provide the necessary amount of help an employee may need.121197933-resized-600

Still, a “good”, fair benefits program is tailored to your needs in life, and not just a ‘one size fits all’ plan. Since the money to pay for these benefits come from your own check, you should be the one to decide what exactly you are paying for. The package should be customizable to what you need and want it to consist of.

There should be more companies that offer good benefits options to their employees. The communication technology company, Verizon, offers its employees the privilege to choose from a variety of benefit features and include them in their personal assistance package.

Verizon offers a wide range of benefits within different categories, such as healthcare, finance and expenses, education and time-off plans. Not everyone lives the same life the same way. Verizon employees can customize their plans to fit into what they can afford and what they deem necessary for them.


The features offer different levels of coverage as far as medical insurance packages, different options to further one’s education, customizable vacation/off-time, paycheck distribution options and retirement plans. If an employee has a large family with in-house, extended relatives with medical needs, they are going to need more than a basic four-person health coverage plan. These choices will create different options for people who need them tailored just to their lifestyle. Verizon is able to take care of its customers, as well as provide assistance to the life needs of their employees.



I’m always looking at people’s clothes, trying to get a feel for who they are. You can even tell where a person is from by what they are wearing. Like those people from New York that always wear those ” I LOVE NY” T-shirts.Those people’s clothes definitely show how much they love their city.

Every major U.S. city has their own signature style of dressing. New Yorkers are either decked out in highly-fashionable, expensive clothing or grungy, thrift store wear. That’s just how it is out there. Even Miami has their own bright, metallic signature style of clothing with all kinds of holes cut in weird places. Whatever it is, the way you dress says a lot about where you’re from.

My city just launched its very own clothing line for and by the people of Sacramento. It’s called Cool Code Clothing and definitely has the SacTown, City of Trees swagger I’m used to. I just bought a sweater with the sickest graffiti-style design on the front. It’s almost as if I’m wearing that Sacramento “S” on my chest.

Head Designer, Rashaad Smith, wearing an original Cool Code T-shirt, standing in front of the Tower Bridge in Sacramento.

Head Designer, Rashaad Smith, wearing an original Cool Code T-shirt, standing in front of the Tower Bridge in Sacramento.

Since the launch of the Cool Code Clothing purchasing website, it’s spread all over Sacramento. Everywhere you go, you see someone wearing some kind of Cool Code sweater or T-shirt. Brand designer and company CEO, Rashaad Smith created the line with all of Sacramento in mind. Everything is affordable, no more than $50.00 for an item, and the sizes range from small children sizes to full grown adult.

Cool Code Clothing’s announcement brings an all-new channel of life back to Sacramento. It’s more than a clothing line of shirts and sweaters with cool logo designs for the city. Cool Code Clothing is symbolic to the rest of the world that shows the hard grind and artistic creativity of the young people of Sacramento, California. Everyone has come together to support and lift up our own to the fullest because if one makes it, we all do.

Two of Sacramento's youth showing their older friend, Rashaad Smith, support by wearing his designs.

Two of Sacramento’s youth showing their older friend, Rashaad Smith, support by wearing his designs.

I’ve already been rocking my Cool Code gear all over. I want everyone to know that I’m proud to be from the City of Sacramento, California. I’ve already bought two sweaters, one glows in the dark. I’m going to buy some T-shirts for the summer; it’s getting too hot to wear a sweater.

KANYE Got The Answers?!?!

Rap veteran, Nas, publicly claimed the death of Hip Hop within the most recent generation of artists. However, times are changing, what was the original foundation for Hip Hop music has evolved along with the rest of society. The future of Hip Hop’s sound is no longer limited to the confines of “gangster rap”. This generation’s Hip Hop storytellers offer something for everyone to take part in, whether you’re from the “ghetto” or are a student in college or a passionate activist; this is OUR voice.

“Our voice” needs to reflect purpose and advocate for further progression into the evolving future. We look to music as something to unite everyone, to encourage the unanimous, purposeful push forward in the world’s beauty. Hip Hop needs an artist to hold people accountable for their roles in that change. An artist with a voice that creates a guided confidence to play a part in that push that is not fearful of scrutiny.

Hip Hop artist and producer, Kanye West is that voice. His music is creative and revolutionary in the sense he incorporates things outside of Hip Hop and rap, and the music industry in general, into his music, such as orchestra samples, auto-tuned singing and disco, electro-infused sound. He has said he wants to be an example of change for all of us, an example of progression both inside and out of his music. He speaks his mind and challenges the norms of society without very much fear of consequence, and his fans are definitely expect to be included in that.

Kanye West performing before live audience.

Kanye West’s influence reaches millions of people seeing as to he has tons of fans all over the world. His contemporary style has definitely contributed to his artistic success, with all six of his albums reaching high-rated recognition within the music industry, not just Hip Hop, as his evolution is evident within and in between each one. His innovative thought-process is praised by some of the most notable artists and musical publications, including his former collaboration partner and other well-known Hip Hop veteran, Jay Z, as well as, Rolling Stone magazine. His fulfillment of his hopes and dreams not just for himself, but for everyone, inspires his fans to want to incorporate the same level of progression and determination into our lives.

Kanye West and Jay Z performing together during their joint “Watch the Throne” tour.

A song from Kanye’s first album, The College Dropout, called “All Falls Down” truly inspired me when I was younger to want more for myself than what I had seen women to be everyday of my life. He speaks about the truth and the potential of women in the song through his emphasis on one one’s life circumstances through this story-song. And “Can’t Tell Me Nothing” from his third album, Graduation, is my favorite song because it helps me stay motivated and confident within myself and not be influenced by outside negative perceptions. Kanye West really speaks power and progression and fearlessness into people with his music.

Having someone with so much acclaim and innovative power relate to you truly does influence your views on the world and yourself. Kanye West speaks to the creativity and confidence within everyone. He puts everything out there for everyone to take part in and to grow from. Unification is where progression and evolution truly begins.

“I’ve Got the Whole World in MY Hand”

It’s a regular Thursday afternoon in May and you’re having lunch at your favorite restaurant, Nobu. You just finish eating and are rushing out the door back to work, then you run into your favorite celebrity and personal idol, Kanye West. You can hardly believe your eyes,  and the oxygen rushes out of your lungs. You can’t speak at all as he picks up the items you dropped during your collision. You need the world to know the almost tear-jerking excitement you’re trying to contain as you smile the largest you ever have before with your eye twitching in regular intervals.

Moments like these, where it is too unbelievable to keep to ourselves, and when we have great ideas, we shouldn’t have to keep to ourselves. We need a solid piece of technology that is a reliable source of communication that connects us with everyone at all times. Something that we can use to show people things that we experience that don’t last forever. Something that would make a picture or a statement or a record of some sort more timeless.

Social Media on the iPhone is having the world at your fingertips.

Luckily, the Apple iPhone 6 provides the technology for constant, live communication through multiple avenues. As a cellular device, the iPhone is equipped with three useful communication channels, which are its voice and video calling, email, and text messaging features. However, it also provides an Apple technology-powered applications “store” from which users of the iPhone can download and purchase social media applications which provide them with ability to post online within the view of mass audiences. You can share anything or say anything and the world is listening to you.

With the iPhone 6, constant communication is so much less of a hassle with its lasting battery life. You can talk for up to 14 hours because the iPhone 6 is equipped with a larger battery than Apple’s previous models. Also, the simple Apple iOS system of the phone provides easy access and navigation through social media applications like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and many other sites. Or when a voice just isn’t enough, you can video chat through the iPhone’s Facetime feature. There’s always a way to get to everyone somehow with the iPhone.

Face to face conversations with Facetime.

My iPhone helps me stay in connection with the world whenever I need to be. Even when I don’t, I know everything is just a push of a button away. Strong opinions and interests, great ideas that come to mind in a minute’s notice, beautiful moments captured in pictures, all can easily be shared with a few, or even millions of people, because my iPhone keeps me connected.

Being able to share temporary moments with others make them timeless. Special memories take much longer to fade when they can be recalled by multiple people because they were able to share it with you. The iPhone 6 gives you access to the world in the palm of your hand. What else could be more simple yet amazing.